About us

Quran - Religious Text Of Islam

Assalamu 'alaykum

At As-Sakeenah Institute, we want to be committed to providing beneficial services to the community. We believe Islamic education is a basic right everyone should have access to. We want to grow together towards a more spiritual, tolerant, and diverse community, paving the way for future generations through education, organising sports/leisure activities, local gatherings, and fun family events.

In shaa Allah.

Some of the ways that we want to serve the community are:

  • Serving our younger generation - who are our future, it is crucial we help nurture the identities of young Muslims to be comfortable and confident in their deen (faith).
  • Teaching Aqidah, Fiqh, Hadeeth, Tafseer, Tajweed & the Arabic Language to youth and adults.
  • Creating learning materials.
  • Organising educational Islamic events for males & females.
  • Sports activities.
  • Working with our Masjid to cater for various events.
  • Islamic guidance and counselling.

knowledge and practice

Quran holy book

What is aqidah?

"Aqidah" is an Arabic term that translates to "creed" or "belief." In Islam, it refers to the foundational beliefs and tenets of faith that a Muslim holds regarding Allah (God), His attributes, the prophets, the angels, the scriptures, the Day of Judgment, and other fundamental aspects of the religion. Aqidah forms the core of Islamic theology and serves as the basis for understanding and practicing Islam. It encompasses beliefs that are essential for a Muslim's faith and worldview.

What is fiqh?

In Islam, "Fiqh" refers to Islamic jurisprudence, which encompasses the understanding and interpretation of Islamic law derived from the Quran, the Sunnah (teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad), the consensus of Islamic scholars, and analogical reasoning. Fiqh addresses various aspects of life, including worship, transactions, ethics, family law, and societal issues, providing guidelines for Muslims to live their lives in accordance with Islamic principles.

What is hadeeth?

Islam has two primary sources. First is the Qurʾān which is the direct word of God inspired to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The second source is the Prophet’s teachings. These teachings include his words, actions, and things he approved of. The Prophet’s teachings are called Sunna. The Sunna is found in texts called ḥadīth. A ḥadīth is a statement of the Prophet (peace be upon him) which was narrated by his companions and subsequently narrated to the next generation until these sayings were compiled in ḥadīth collections.

What is tafseer?

"Tafseer" refers to the interpretation or exegesis of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. It involves explaining the meanings of the verses of the Quran, exploring their linguistic, historical, and contextual significance, as well as extracting the lessons and guidance they offer for believers. Tafseer can be conducted through various methods, including linguistic analysis, historical context, comparison with other Quranic verses and Hadith, and scholarly commentary. Tafseer plays a crucial role in helping Muslims understand and apply the teachings of the Quran in their lives.

What is tajweed?

"Tajweed" refers to the rules and principles of proper pronunciation and recitation of the Quran. It involves the correct articulation of letters, proper elongation and shortening of vowels, and observing other rules of intonation and rhythm while reciting the Quran. Tajweed ensures that the recitation of the Quran is done accurately and with beauty, as it is believed to enhance the spiritual experience of both the reciter and the listener. Learning Tajweed is considered essential for Muslims who seek to recite the Quran correctly and with reverence.

classical arabic language

When your purpose is to read the Quran and learn about Islam, then you need to start learning the classical Arabic dialect. Classical Arabic dialect is the language of the Quran. Since it is the old form of Arabic, you will have to adjust your learning to focus on what is needed to help you understand the terms and phrases of the Quran. Keep in mind that you need both vocabulary and grammar to help you read and understand the Quran.

upcoming programs

As-Sakeenah Institute would like to reach out to even more people. By the grace of Allah the Almighty we would like to expand our services and projects as well as continuing those mentioned above, some of these new projects include:

  • Through our work we seek to promote an awareness of Islam amongst all communities, and fostering understanding, better community relations and community cohesion.
  • Create a community space for the benefit of spreading knowledge in the community.
  • Workshops for younger people (on social issues).
  • Publishing materials for Da'wah.
  • Humanitarian & Aid work.

We request that you all get involved & make Du'a for us

Contact us


292A Chester Road North


DY10 2RR





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